domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

The Reporter Within

I love stories. I like to write them, listen to them, film them and feel them....Mostly, inspirational stories that portray the triumph of the human spirit against adversity. I enjoy the art of story telling, not only by reporting or interviewing celebrities or artists, who represent special achievements, but through my own poetic outlook  and the artistic realities of the countries I visit.  Culture, Art,  Literature, People and Nature from around the world enchant me with more stories daily. It may be the force of my own nature: I am as much of a gypsy as I am a poet. Tonight, I decided to document my experiences as a reporter around the world. The kind of "Behind the Scenes" stories that I encounter as a reporter, the unpublished, unsaid feelings that are born from an interview or exchange with the extraordinary people - I  have the blessing to meet everyday -that is how my blog " The Reporter Within" begins...

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